TrackingBees for Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare

Asset Tracking System can become a crucial part of your Health Care organisation helping the department in running smooth operations

Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare

  • A modern hospital is a big operational service with numerous parts. Any inconvenience or disturbance can translate into high costs that can hurt the hospital’s bottom line which may further lead to degraded quality of service. Asset tracking is an important part in this case where it can get quite tough to manage all the resource and service together, posing a big challenge.

    The TrackingBees helps track lab equipment, medicines, machines, and device in a much convenient way.

    The system TrackingBees is establishing will help Hospitals in a more effective way as it endorses the development of Internet of Medical Things (IoMT). Once the assets like ultrasound scanners, patient monitors, wheelchairs, beds, pharmacies are equipped with our advanced system of tracking, responsibilities like repairing, managing, tracing, details etc. will come at the fingertips of the owner/manager.

    HealthCare and services can be hard-hitting due to some of the most devastating risks of critical operations, emergency services, life-threatening situations. A failure in any device or shortage of medicine can lead to a catastrophic end, even put a termination to the hospital. Hospital and their head staff may face many challenges after that, one of them being all the unwanted legal problems along with depraved reputation which drains a lot of unsolicited money.

    In order to avoid any of these devastating circumstances, TrackingBees runs a Track Assessment which checks all the machinery and pharmacy requirements while updating all the necessary details which include maintenance period, weather reports, the machine age, expiry date to calculate the service period and conveys it accurately on the desktop application before an unwanted breakdown.

  • Track all your equipment with ease with our dedicated tag and track TrackingBees system
  • Covers major areas such as bank machines, documents, general records and logs and many other things
  • Creates a common platform for all the assets to ease the need for management.
  • Carry out hefty inspections of assets with ease and save time while eliminating any type of human error.
  • Prevent unnecessary duality of products. Create an anti-theft atmosphere with our system.



  • Minimize downtime

    Our asset tracking system helps in minimizing the machine downtime problem by providing timely updates about the machine health and parts.

    Improve asset visibility

    An asset tracking system solves the asset visibility problem by creating a common database for all the assets. A dedicated option embedded in the software helps in locating any asset in a beat.

    Work Management

    Improve the efficiency of the workers along with the machines and devices by easing the management process and eradicating the problems and issues.

    Proactive Management

    The amount of manual effort for your team is significantly reduced so they can focus on higher value efforts.

    Improve Asset Reliability

    In the healthcare industry, machines are put to work for longing hours during a day. This may cause unwanted breakdown in machinery and devices. Our system feature, Asset health management helps removing all these problems seamlessly providing a breakproof machinery system.

    Expense management

    Take control of your inventory by publishing a proper network of management throughout the plant or the industry. This provides proper reports of ingoing and outgoing assets and the other assets which are put to work.


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